NXT Energy Solutions Inc.

Health and Safety (“HS”) Policy

NXT Energy Solutions Inc. believes that our people are our single most important resource. Our commitment is to our employees’ safety. It is our goal to minimize our workers’ exposure to the risks and hazards associated with our operation. The protection of the health and safety (physical, psychological, and social well-being) of employees is paramount


NXT Energy Solutions Inc. is committed to promoting a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, subcontractors, contractors, customers and visitors. In pursuit of our commitment, NXT Energy Solutions Inc. will develop, implement and enforce such policies and procedures that promote and provide a healthier, safer work environment.


It is our responsibility to establish, implement and maintain an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) to ensure compliance with the requirements of this policy and any applicable regulations.


Our general objectives are to:

  • Provide safe places of work, safe equipment and safe systems of work
  • Provide excellent health and safety assistance for our employees while traveling abroad
  • Conduct Risk assessments of all relevant workplaces during projects.
  • Perform, monitoring and review.
  • Promote health, safety and environmental protection as an integral part of the duties of management along with the education of all employees
  • Supply appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to promote a high degree of awareness of health, safety and environmental concerns and the responsibility of each employee to prevent injury to themselves and others.
  • Require contractors to meet the same or similar OHS standard, practices and procedures as that of NXT.
  • Comply with all provincial and federal laws and regulations covering Occupational Health and Safety and the environment.
  • Provide adequate resources, such as expert OHS advice.
  • Effectively communicate and consult with our workers

“Bruce G. Wilcox
Interim Chief Executive Officer”


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