Pemex & NXT Joint Technical Paper
NXT was contracted to conduct an initial survey for Petróleos Mexicanos (“PEMEX”), the national oil company of Mexico, in mid 2012. This survey was designed by PEMEX largely as a “blind test” of the efficacy of the SFD® technology. Shortly thereafter, PEMEX commenced an in-depth “Integration study” to compare the SFD® data with its extensive existing internal production and geophysical data sets.
PEMEX and NXT then jointly authored a technical paper (the “Paper”) which summarizes the results of the initial survey, and the high extent of correlations between SFD® identified anomalies and PEMEX’s existing production and prospects identified using seismic, aero-magnetic, aero-gravity and other geophysical methods. This Paper was formally presented to the E&P industry in July 2013 in Cartagena, Colombia at the Next Generation Oil & Gas (“NGO”) Latin America Summit 5 Conference.